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Constitutional Council of France (Conseil constitutionnel), No. 2015-458 QPC, 20 March 2015

Type Judgment
Case number 2015-458 QPC


Compulsory vaccination for minor children under parental responsibility. Risk to the child from inoculation and violation of the right to health.

Normative references

Preamble to the Constitution of 27 October 1946, eleventh recital 


1. Making vaccination compulsory for three serious and contagious diseases or diseases that cannot be eradicated respects the French Constitution, provided there are no known medical contraindications.

2. It falls within the legislature's discretion to define a vaccination policy in order to protect individual and public health. In the instant case, the procedures prescribed by the law are not manifestly inappropriate for the objective pursued.

3. It is not for the Constitutional Council to call into question, in terms of knowledge and technology, the measures adopted by the legislature or to seek to establish whether the health protection objective assumed by the legislature could have been achieved by other means. 

(Case concerning compulsory vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis for minor children under parental responsibility)