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Angelini v. Sweden, dec., No. 10491/83, ECommHR (Plenary), 3 December 1986

Type Judgment
Case number 10491/83


Refusal of exemption of the student from the religious education course.

Normative references

Art. 2 Prot. 1 ECHR


It is, in principle, within the margin of appreciation left to the States under Article 2 of the first additional Protocol of the ECHR to decide whether to provide religious instruction in public schools and, if so, what particular system of instruction should be adopted. The only limit which must not be exceeded in this area is the prohibition of indoctrination.  If lessons are given in a neutral, objective and pluralistic manner, they cannot be considered a form of indoctrination detrimental to the parents’ right to to raise their children in accordance with their philosophical and religious beliefs pursuant Article 2 of the first additional protocol to the ECHR.
(Case related to a mother of atheistic beliefs who requested exemption from religion lessons for her daughter)