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"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free" (Charles E. Hughes)

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Enrico Vitali canonista, ecclesiasticista e matrimonialista
Conflicts and the Economy
Cultural water for cultural economies: pathways to water justice

Boosting a Sustainable Religious Pluralism: Public Order and European Constitutional Identity (SURPLEI)

A PRIN 2022 PNRR research project

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Violation of Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 ECHR due to the applicants' inability to vote in two parliamentary elections for the Bulgarian Parliament as convicted prisoners.
Inability to freely exercise active electoral rights due to a combination of territorial and ethnic requirements. 
Registration of a land used as a cemetery of a religious community. Failure to investigate the conditions of adverse possession determines a violation of Article 1 of the First Protocol, read in the light of Article 9 ECHR.
Surrogacy and missing transcription of foreign birth certificate. Parent-child relationship, biological parenthood and intended parenthood. Need for an effective and rapid recognition of biological filiation. Violation of Article 8 ECHR.  
Constitutional history: a new research between Milan and Belgrade - S. Milosevic, PhD

Constitutional history: a new research between Milan and Belgrade - S. Milosevic, PhD

Understanding Conscientious Objection - Prof. W. Brzozowski

Understanding Conscientious Objection - Prof. W. Brzozowski

Turkey's individual application to the Constitutional Court: suggestions to Italy? - B. Hayrullahoğlu, PhD

Turkey's individual application to the Constitutional Court: suggestions to Italy? - B. Hayrullahoğlu, PhD

Islam and Europe: grounds for peaceful coexistence - Prof. A. Pin

Islam and Europe: grounds for peaceful coexistence - Prof. A. Pin

The constitutional challenges posed by the ratification of the CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) in Irish law - Prof. G. Barrett

The constitutional challenges posed by the ratification of the CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) in Irish law - Prof. G. Barrett